Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority
3MVA Transformer/
4,000A Switchboard
To increase system reliability during extended utility power outages, ABCWUA tasked Molzen Corbin to design portable generator connections at two of the Water Reclamation Facility’s blower buildings. One blower building is served by two 2000A, 480V MCCs connected with a bus tie-breaker, and the second by two 4160V MCCs connected with a bus tie-breaker. The project included new generator connection cabinets, pre-connected cables with terminations to match generators, automatic transfer switches with phase rotation verification, intercepting existing concrete encased duct banks, and SCADA monitoring. Available generators are 480V, so a 3MVA step-up transformer and 4000A switchboard was required for connection to the 4160V equipment. The 4160V switchgear was modified with a remote actuator module to allow operations to transfer between loop power and generator.
Scope of Work
Electrical Engineering, Construction Observation/Administration
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