6,500 LF PVC Force Main
3,500 LF Sewer Line
Molzen Corbin completed a Sonic Lift Station for AWSD that provides a sustainable, reliable, and cost-effective wastewater collection and pumping system for the community. The existing lift station, which served 85% of the community, was in poor condition, had minimal storage capacity, and experienced power/pump failures that had caused sewage to back up into nearby homes. Molzen Corbin not only designed a new lift station but also simplified the design of the sewer system. We recommended a location for the lift station that was on AWSD-owned property and would allow for five lift stations to be eliminated using gravity interceptors. By taking a step back and analyzing the entire system, Molzen Corbin was able to provide a “right-sized” engineering solution.
Scope of Work
Water Resources Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Grants/Funding, Architectural, Construction Observation/Administration
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